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Read, learn, imagine, explore, create, observe, play…it all happens at MRCPL.

Loving young mom lying in bed with little child reading a story.

1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Backpack Meals Website

Backpack Meals

Two children play on tablets seated at a table in the Library.

BookFlix Database

Person with a child sits in the library while the child writes on a book.

Early Literacy Page

Homeschool Info

A young family playing on a playground. The children, two daughters, are sitting on swings with the parents standing behind them. The focus is the mother and older girl, 5 years old, in the foreground. The child is smiling at the camera. The father and 3 year old daughter are out of focus in the background. The children are mixed race Hispanic, African-American and Native American.

Triple P-Positive Parenting Program

A staff member reads to a group of children during story time at the Bellville library.

Story Time

An African-American teacher, a mature woman in her 40s, sitting in front of her class of elementary school students, 6 and 7 years old, reading a book. She has asked a question and most of the children are raising their hands. They are in first grade or second grade.

The Mailbox Plus Database

New Children's Picture Books

New Children's Fiction

New Children's Readers

New Children's Non Fiction